Get a Free
Portfolio Assessment from
The Animation Tutor
NOTE: Please do not book a Free Portfolio Assessment in February.
That is our busiest month of the year for tutoring due to upcoming animation portfolio due dates. If you book in February, we will contact you about moving it to a time in March.
Hey there! I'm Garth, the founder and educator at The Animation Tutor.
Over the past ten years, I've had the pleasure of working with incredible students, supporting them make their dreams come true by getting into their top Colleges and Universities to study animation, concept art, game design, and illustration. I myself am a graduate of Sheridan College's Bachelor of Animation, and when I'm not busy assisting my fantastic students, you'll find me freelancing as an animator and illustrator.
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4 or 8-week classes tailored to animation portfolios complete with video lectures and live online feedback
Personalized 1-hour sessions with The Animation Tutor
Groups of classes, textbooks, and additional lectures, all at a discounted rate!